Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lilith in my Myth Moly_x_20

My Moly_x_20 - Lilith
Sitting at sick at home, with no chance of going to bed during the past days, at least I had the chance to draw a little bit today. 
The pages I drew show Lilith in a comic version. (I think she must be from Marvel.) I´ve always been fascinated by the story of Adam´s first wife.
(I just love the top picture, which was altered with an iPhone app. I guess I do need some brighter colors to draw my stuff.)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Second Addition to Joyce´s Moly_x_20

This is my second contribution to Joyce´ moleskine* .
Joyce´ Moly_x_20
Joyce´ Moly_x_20
It took me ages to get started with this one. I had stopped with the moly_x exchanges for a while, as I was frustrated about all the lost molys. But we are back on track and slowly starting again. 
Joyce´ Moly_x_20
Marty (the founder of moly_x), thanks for getting new power into the moly_x groups.

*Check out Joyce´s art. Her photorealistic drawings are incredible.