Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where is my Moleskine?

Here you can check out the current position of your Moleskine:
  • (1) Joyce (Occam`s razor), Taiwan - no moly
  • (2) Leah Felicity (leahfelicity), USA - working on (2) and (?)
  • (3) Martha (trumpetvine), USA - no moly
  • (4) Lisa (rightside), USA - working on (1) and (3), sending off (4) and (5)
  • (5) Kerstin (blackvampire), Germany - no moly
Please comment when you send off or receive a Moleskine. You will always have access to this post through the link at the top right corner.


Lisa Cheney said...

on it's way to Kerstin
Should arrive on the 7th or 8th. :)

Anonymous said...

Mine is in the mail to Lisa, to arrive Monday 5/5.

Anonymous said...

Lisa now has Lee's moly.

Anonymous said...

I have received Leah's moly.

Super Starling! said...

I currently have Lee's moly and will send it on next week.

Kerstin Klein said...

Leah, can you pass it on to Lee directly. He isn´t in the group anymore. Thanks.

Super Starling! said...

That makes sense. Will do.

Kerstin Klein said...


Lisa Cheney said...

I do not have any molys right now...

Kerstin Klein said...

Thanks, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

I just received 2 more moly's! I now have:

1) Joyce's moly ("24" cover)
2) Kirsten's moly (mythology)
3) Lisa's moly (self portrait)
4) my moly (place)

Kerstin Klein said...

Martha, if you want you can also pass on a moly or two. That would be no problem. Otherwise there will be a huge break again. Just let us know if you want to send them on.

Joyce Huang said...

agree with kerstin, just let us know :D

Lisa Cheney said...

Hello All!!!
Ok, I have 4 molies with my right now. (Martha, I just recieved the other two yesterday! BTW: Thank you for the KIND gift!! LOVED IT!!! I hope everything starts running smoothly for you soon) I have Martha's, Kerstin's, Joyce's and My molies) I was thinking about sending them out one by one ASAP. Please let me know what you think?

Kerstin Klein said...

Hi Lisa,

it would be great if you manage to do them all, but what is more important is to keep the molys going. If you manage to send them out soon - one after the other then go ahead. Otherwise, I think it would be better to pass on one or two.

What do the others think?