Sunday, May 11, 2008

My drawings on Kerstin`s book

I never draw about mythology, so it would be a great experience and practice to me. I started to draw Kerstion`s book after one day I receive her book, first I just drawed a piece, then I add other items alittle bit in next few days(but I think it looks kind of messy :-O)

gonna send to Leah next week!


Kerstin Klein said...

Wow. Joyce this is beautiful. I love it. I like the "messy" look and specially the white space. I just never get to leave a white space and I regret that.
Thanks, it is beautiful!

Kerstin Klein said...

and the little spot of blue is very, very cool!

Joyce Huang said...

Thank you kerstin!

actually I`m more interested in the theme Japan in your book of moly24 ;p

and my book finally arrived!!!yey

Lisa Cheney said...

I like it! so many little images to look at, kind of like a dream...

Kerstin Klein said...


acually I like the drawing and theme I did for the Jpanese one much more too. But if everyone adds such great art like you did, I´ll be pretty hapy with it.
In case someone else drops out of the group, I´ll let you know and you can jump into the other group too. :)

Joyce Huang said...

Thank you Lisa!:)

@Kerstin, I`m soo glad you keep a chance to me:), you are so kind, although I`d like to jump into other greoup,but I think the best is that on one decide to drop up their own group.
well.... anyway I`m waiting for your news(wink)

Kerstin Klein said...

news of the next moleskine?
i´m done with lisa´s selfportrait moleskine and i´m not very happy about it. :( i will send it out on monday.

Joyce Huang said...

news of if I have any chance to jump into other groups ;p

I believe your work must be very great. I like the portrait porject you did before, will you post you did in lisa`s moly here? can`t wait to see!

Lisa Cheney said...

Kerstin, we are usually our own worst critic... Yes, please post your drawing I would love to see it :)