Monday, June 2, 2008

Martha'a Moly "Place"

My addition to Martha's moly. My place is the school carnival that that I took the kids to last Friday evening. I tried to keep Martha's lovely mountain range in the background, yet incorporating a bit of Boise's backdrop. Thus the flat topped hill with the cross on it. This "hill" is called TableRock and on top of it is a huge cross that is lights up every night so you can see it for miles around. That is my son, Alex, in the foreground throwing the football at the target. There were a lot more people everywhere, but I found it much too difficult to include them all since they moved around too fast. I am sending this off to Kerstin today!
Here is how the two places look together. :)


Joyce Huang said...

wow your drawing is perfectly interacted with Martha `s work. beautiful!!!:-D

Anonymous said...

Oh Lisa - I love it! So beautiful, and totally cool. Thank you!

Lisa Cheney said...

Thanks Joyce!!! :)
Martha, I'll so glad you are pleased with my addition to your moly. It was fun (I think I am going to print out a copy of it and put it in my visual journal so I don't have to draw it again.;-) hehehe... i'm lazy, i guess.

Kerstin Klein said...

love the colors. fun page.